International Conference in Naples (October 3-4, 2019)

Corresponding sections:

Conference proceedings and publication opportunities

Conference proceedings

All the papers and extended abstracts accepted at the conference will be published for free (costs are covered by the conference fee) in the proceedings of the conference.

Conference proceedings will be prepared for at-conference delivery (printed version) and will be also available post-conference (online). Thus, it is extremely important to meet the key deadlines in order to give the organizing committee an opportunity to prepare conference proceedings in time.

Conference proceedings will include both extended abstract and full-text papers. When submitting please note that page limit for extended abstracts is 400-1000 words; for full papers 4000-6000.

Publication opportunities

Please, consider the fact that papers may be also published in one of the special issues of the journals published by Virtus Interpress. These papers will be subject to a separate reviewing process after the conference.

Conference fee doesn’t include publication. This is the issue of separate consideration.

We offer 25 % discount for the participants of the conference who would like to publish a paper in one of the special issues of the following journals:

Corporate Ownership and Control
Contact: or

Corporate Board: Role, Duties and Composition

Journal of Governance and Regulation

Risk Governance and Control: Financial Markets & Institutions

Papers submitted must follow the instructions provided here.