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22 February 2024
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International Online Conference (June 8, 2023)International Conference in Naples (October 3-4, 2019): Update
We are glad to publish an update on the upcoming international conference “NEW CHALLENGES IN CORPORATE GOVERNANCE: THEORY AND PRACTICE” to be held in Naples (Italy) on October 3-4, 2019.
By July 11th we have received 20 submissions under the following titles:
- Activist investors: Implications for corporate governance
- Contemporary financial reporting and intangibles resources: Implications for corporate governance
- Executive authorities in Euroland during the financial crisis. A comparison between European Commission and national governments
- Corporate governance mechanism in the context of Portugal
- Do corporate governance ratings change investor expectations? Evidence from announcements by institutional shareholder services
- Collaborative governance against corruption
- Communication in corporate governance behavioral and distortion: A cognitive approach to the management of the company
- Environmental, social, and governance disclosure: The role of religiosity at a cross-country level
- The result of cultural and legislative change: The new monistic model of UBI Banca
- Relevance of artificial intelligence in politics
- Trends and perspectives on corporate governance, firm performance and CEO compensation: 1990-2017
- Impact of relationship marketing investments on customers loyalty, analyzing the role of trust and type of management
- The impact of ESG scores on cost of equity and firm’s profitability
- AI, gentrification, and jobs: Implications for boards of directors and corporate governance
- Corporate governance: How fiscal and industry revolution in Italy can change the labour market?
- Independent directors in Sweden and their influence on earnings through accounting and cash flow management
- Livelihoods strategies of Satar/Santhal: A resilience perspective
- The relationship between minority directors and earnings management: An empirical analysis in the Italian institutional setting
- Corporate governance impact on bank performance evidence from Europe
- New trends and challenges in shareholder activism: Theory and practice
The authors of the papers represent 10 countries including USA, UK, Italy, Portugal, Sweden, France, India, and others.
Due to the vacation time, members of the conference organizing committee decided to extend the submission deadline. Thus, you are welcome to submit an extended abstract (or full paper) till August, 1. Thus, the registration for the conference is open now and all participants should fill in the registration form here.
You are welcome to submit an extended abstract of the paper (400-1000 words) or a full paper (4000-6000 words), including the title and affiliation by e-mail: naples2019conf@virtusinterpress.org
All of the papers/abstracts accepted will be published in conference proceedings, that will be prepared for at-conference delivery (printed version) and will be also available post-conference (online). More information on proceedings and other publication opportunities is available here.
Conference sponsors have also prepared an award for young researchers (under 35). Conference Editorial Committee will choose the best paper which will be awarded with 500 Euro prize at the end of the conference.