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International Online Conference (November 23, 2023)International Conference in Rome, February 27, 2018

Corresponding sections:
- Concept and key topics
- Key deadlines
- Publication opportunities
- Organisers and Sponsors
- Conference fee
- Contacts
- About Rome
- Key-note speakers
- Conference venue
- Registration form
- Conference dinner
- Round table on shareholder activism
- Photos from the conference
- Feedback from the conference
- Conference proceedings (abstracts)
- Conference report
Organisers and Sponsors
The Sapienza University of Rome is a collegiate research university located in Rome, Italy. Formally known as Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza", it is the largest European university by enrollments (the third if considering also the distance learning schools) and one of the oldest in history, founded in 1303. The University is also the most prestigious Italian university and also the best ranked in Southern Europe. La Sapienza educated numerous notable alumni, including many Nobel laureates, Presidents of the European Parliament and European Commissioners, heads of several nations, notable religious figures, scientists and astronauts.
Publishing house Virtus Interpress has an expertise and global perspectives only in corporate governance. Virtus Interpress publishes four journals in corporate governance and regulation, and book series, acts as co-organizer of international conferences and seminars, and is a founder of International Center for Banking and Corporate Governance. VirtusInterpress web page.
Virtus Global Center for Corporate Governance was established by Virtus Interpress in 2014. It is aimed to unite thousands of experts who have expertise in general corporate governance. Therefore to unite the network around the idea to conduct research in general corporate governance, not just in corporate governance and regulation in banks and financial institutions the new center was established. Virtus GCCG web page.
Conference Sponsors
Società Italiana di Management (SIMA) |
Morrow Sodali Global LLC |
Pianoforte Holding |
Organising committee:
- Prof. Alex Kostyuk - co-chair of the conference
- Prof. Salvatore Esposito De Falco - co-chair of the conference
- Prof. Antonio Renzi
- Prof. Giuseppe Sancetta
- Dr. Nicola Cucari
- Dr. Beatrice Orlando
- Dr. Yaroslav Mozghovyi